1st Battalion 52nd Infantry Regiment (Bamberg Germany)

1st Battalion 52nd Infantry (Cold War)

Any one remember Milano's across the street from HHQ, or Ma Kellers where the Brothers hung out, Or Drosendorf Tanze center where the chicks were on the weekends?

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Comment by SGT Michael J. Tomsett USA(RET) on November 4, 2019 at 8:18pm

Does anyone remember Le Marquis just down the road from gate 6 on Warner Barracks? It was run by a Retired SMG and his wife. Their twin sons were the cooks. Made a mean rump steak with pom fritts and steamed veggies. It had a disco in the back. I sometimes D.J'd for a few songs on the weekend. That is where I met my 1st. wife. She was always in there. She was a gorgeous beauty with thick curly black hair and the sexiest British accent.  If you were a regular in there then you probably either knew or danced with her. Her  name was Stella.  

Comment by SGT Michael J. Tomsett USA(RET) on November 4, 2019 at 8:03pm

Damn man,

Am I the only one to leave a message on here since what, 3-4 years?

Is there anyone else out there still?

Let me know.

Comment by Roy M. Davis on September 14, 2016 at 1:55pm

Any one remember the bar across the street from the NCO Club called "Buddies" it was ran by a retired NCO that stayed in Germany. I lived in the apartment building right next to it.

Comment by Terry Lee Tlumac on May 8, 2016 at 7:00am
Was Ma Kellers the basement rock and roll bar? And Leiterleins was the final stop of the night.
Comment by Terry Lee Tlumac on May 8, 2016 at 6:56am
die Zwiebel (The Onion) bar and King's Inn (my hangout). McDonalds downtown, "promise Frits mit mayonnaise". Foot photos anyone?
Comment by Michael Decker on May 19, 2014 at 11:45am
Anybody else in Bamberg from 1979 to 1983?
Comment by Michael Decker on May 19, 2014 at 11:43am
Yes Steve...I was the battalion mail clerk while you were there. I remember those days very well. The guy who delivered pizza in the VW also cut hair at the barber shop. I don't remebered his name either. You still in Germany Steve? Drop me a line sometime...
Comment by Steve Audritsh on December 16, 2013 at 2:21am

How about the leiterlein up in old Bamberg across from the Polar Bear Bar. Mike Decker didn't you use to be the mail clerk when I was there. Milano's had some great meatball sandwiches. Remember the pizza delivery guy, hell we use to throw things at him when he drove around the barracks, then later I became friends with him but dam can't remember his name. 

Comment by Michael Decker on July 18, 2012 at 4:53am

Remember the guy in the VW Beetle that would sell the pizzas at night time and who was also the barber who cut your hair durung the daytime? I forget his name though...

Comment by Michael Decker on July 18, 2012 at 4:52am

Do I ever remember them. I lived in HHC and we used to go over there all the time. Also went alot to the chicken place all the time to get a half of chicken!

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