1st Battalion 52nd Infantry Regiment (Bamberg Germany)

1st Battalion 52nd Infantry (Cold War)

Does anyone from alpha. Remember CPR Ottinger/ Ottenger I forget how it's spelled. He was a west pointer that hated being around anyone except other west pointers. He was an ASS!

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James I remember Lt. Paxton as company commander, I still have a black&white photo of him that I found taped to a stall in the latrine. I was a sgt. in weapons plt, tow section. A-47 &48. I think I remember you and a goofy mechanic whose last name started with a P maybe padell??

Yep. Leggit came down from BDE's S-2. He was a bit of a jerk, I admit. I remember walking by the orderly room once and saw him with his legs up on the desk. After I was about 20 ft down the hall, I heard a crash. Went back and saw that he had tipped over in his chair and was on the floor.
Roy M. Davis said:

You were repeating yourself there Oscar you said West Pointer and Ass in the same sentence. We had an ass for a commander when I was in Alpha as well, a CPT Leggitt. He left us to go to West Point to teach. 

Yep. When he was Co commander, he was 1 Lt. He got his Capt.'s bars when he went up to Bn as Maintenance Officer.

James Wyrick SFC Retired said:

Oscar, you have my pea brain going crazy here(quite an easy task lol)  You mentioned Capt Paxton as commander and he being a prior NCO!!!!  I was in alpha company motor pool from 1972-1976, at that time we had a 1st Lieutenant Paxton as our Company Commander and Holland Estepp as our 1st Sgt .  Paxton too, was a prior NCO , I was wondering if this was the same soldier Commanding the same outfit on different occasions??  Also, there was a SP4 Ricardo Flores who was a buddy of mine in the motor pool, his wife's name was Rosalinda.  They and my wife and I shared a few "salty dogs" back in the day.  I think we had drinks of the month, LOL I remember the "Harvey wall banger month"....many great times, so long ago.  Thank you all for your service.  SFCretiredDV

Oscar, I was with A Co. 8/75 to 6/76, in Germany less than a year. I remember a SPC Clay that was the armorer and a SGT Cox that was a squad leader.  Also remember we got a new Supply SGT in and he brought a red Mach 1 Mustang with him  I also remember we didn't do PT all that much.

Hello James,

Funny, a good friend of mine I met while in the Guard last name was Wyrick. Paxton was going out and headed to S-3 when I got there, her would still come when we went to the field and show us some cool ambush techniques. Cpt Oettinger was creating all kinds problems, he hated my Platoon leader cause he was not a west pointer. I forget his name, but he caught hell from Cpt O every time they met.

Hey y’all - well I was 2nd Plt Leader -Alpha Company from 86-87 - Oscar I believe you were my 113 driver!! Think Sgt Stewart was our TC !! SFC Gary Hart was our Plt Sgt - and yes Ottinger was a royal dick - left Bamberg in 87 and ended up in the storm in 90-91 - think the other platoon leaders at that time were Jones and LaChance - our 1SGT was Leftwich - did I get that right?  Heck cant remember what I had for breakfast as the memory is fading!!!

Shultz...that is all correct from my warped remembrance. I do remember...you were an E5 correct? Big fella?

My Friend...now that's how I remember ya! Like when I ETSed and we went 4wheeling in Ringgold! Hahaha then I was off to Ft Irwin and you were off to life!

Daniel Smith said:

Yes...he wrote my first article 15! Lovely man he was.

My name is Neil Maxwell. I was the Asst Co. Clerk in Alpha Company, 1/52 Hdqts Platoon.  Steve Terry was the Company Clerk. My stint in A Company lasted from April 1975 - October 1976. I returned to Fort Dix, NJ and separated honorably from the Army. Had 2 First Sergeants--Acting First SGT Hines than Actual First SGT Hambruch.  2 COs.  CPT Connors and CPT Glade Micheal Liggett.   Both were fine men. CPT Liggett was promoted to Major at Fort Hood and tragically died in his late 30's in 1984.  Have visited his grave at Arlington National Cemetery. Our Lieutenants in A Co. Were Exec Officer 1LT Gary Meier, 2LT Tim Wood, 2LT Kozcak, 2LT  Kostecki and 2LT Bourne, Later on 2LT McGarry.  (not sure on the spellings of their names.) These were all the Platoon leaders.  Only names that I've seen on this site that I clearly recognize are Tim Smith and Forrest Dunkle. Some other names sound familiar i.e. William Schultz. But not sure.  Platoon Sgts I remember: Wade, White, Campbell, Tri, Ashcroft (motor pool), . Other NCO's I remember: Flowers, Belonger, Nelson, Ford. I retired after 33 years with Prudential Financial in Roseland, NJ. Working on large Group Insurance Accounts.i.e. Bell Atlantic, AT&T, James River Paper Company, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants..  Play lots of golf now (but not very well)..       

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